
Showing posts from June, 2023

Is Is Getting Better----Lu Gan

 According to the World Bank's definition of $1.90 a day, about 710 million people will remain in extreme poverty in 2021 (about one in 10 of the global population). More than 85 percent live in 20 countries. In the past, the vast majority of the world's population lived in conditions of extreme poverty. The proportion of the world's population living in absolute poverty has fallen from more than 80% in 1800 to less than 20% in 2015. That's up from 1.9 billion in 1990 and 1.2 billion in 2008. While there are still many people below the international poverty line, these figures represent significant progress for the international community because they show that one billion people have been lifted out of extreme poverty in the past 15 years, the vast majority of them in China. .   People living in extreme poverty are still unable to meet their most basic needs, such as health care, education, water and sanitation. The poverty rate in rural areas of the world is 17.2 perc...

Is It Getting Better? Ilryeon Yun

 I strongly think that medicine continues to improve and develop. According to this chart, mortality decreases dramatically between 1860 and 1960. The reason for this, I believe, has much to do with the development of medicine, such as anesthesia. Before the invention of it, surgery was performed by restraining a patient who was in extreme pain and out of control until 1846. Therefore, the mortality rate at that time was over 80%.  This is a graph about the surgical procedure. The red bar shows laparotomy and the blue one depicts laparoscopic surgery. It used to be taken for granted that the removal of tumors in the abdomen and thoracic cavity was done by open surgery. However, laparoscopic surgery performed in 1987 prompted rapid dissemination and technological innovation. Laparoscopic surgery has relatively small postoperative wounds, resulting in a quicker recovery and cosmetic results. And then, the monitor shows a large magnified image of the tissue, allowing recogni...

Is it getting betterー Aina Taniguchi

  I would like to describe some kinds of discrimination. I n my personal opinion, inequality in all over the world is getting better. From the perspective of gender, these are some examples. This graph clearly indicates that changes in the number of female directions of company in Japan . The vertical axis on the left and bar  graph shows the number of female offers , and the vertical axis on the right and line chart is about percentage. You can see  the number of female officers has a   six- fold growth over the past decade. In percentage terms, this is about nine times higher. Yet the percentage memory numbers remain small. This graph depicts the index of women's rights from 1970 to 2020. Economic rights and political rights went up g radually. Body rights significantly rose from about 20 % to about 75%. Labor rights al...