The Three Minute Thesis Competition -- Asaka Matsuda.
I participated in The Three Minute Thesis Competition as an audience, and I received presentations from three speakers. I thought Shannon's presentation was the most interesting for me because I didn't think about the benefits of outdoor education and I was surprised that there is an incredible impact on adolescents.
In addition, I think that she was the most effective presenter. Her talking speed was moderate and easy to understand. She used some notes when she was talking, which helped her talk naturally and correctly. I was really impressed because when I give a presentation by using notes, I just read notes and my way of speaking is like a robot.
In this session, I felt that the presenters have not conventional ideas, but novel ideas. I think that having a new idea is important when we learn something. It will be helpful for the challenges of post-graduate study.
I agree with your opinion that having a new idea is important!!