What I Wish I Had Known About Kiwi Culture -- Ilryeon Yun

 There are some things I wish I had known before I came to New Zealand.

The first one is how to cover a futon. In Japan, we cover ourselves with quits and blankets as we are. However, Kiwi people use two sheets on the mattress and the other one under the futon. I didn't know that when I first got here and slept on two sheets.

Another is that stores and cafes close early. When I wanted to go to a cafe after school, I couldn't because many shops were closed. In Japan, cafes are usually open untill 10 or late. That's why I was confused when I first got here.


  1. I really agree with your points(⊙︎ロ⊙︎)

  2. Class's finish time will change 9 to 10, so we can go a lovely cafe after school(*^^)v

  3. It's sad that we cannot go anywhere after school because the cafe closes early.

  4. It is a complete difference between the Kiwi culture and Asian culture! However, adapt enjoy it!

  5. I surprised the rule of bed making too.


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