Taking Responsibility -- Nao Miyahara

I don't tend to take responsibility when I get my weight. I have gained weight since I came to New Zealand, but I tend to excuse that it is because the food we eat here is not Japanese food. Actually, it is not because of food; the main reason is that I frequently eat out with my friends. I usually go to a cafe and eat sweets. Therefore, I got into the habit of eating high-calorie foods compared to when I was in Japan. However, I often say that the reason I have gained weight is food. I make excuses that kiwi food is fattening because it contains more butter and oil than Japanese food.
 I think I should make a list of what I ate to remember it. If I make it, I can understand how much I ate and change my eating habits, and can notice that I should cut down on the amount of food.


  1. I can completely understand your excuse( ;∀;) I will try the solution you suggest.

  2. We should make cheat day only every Tues day !!!

  3. I think the food in New Zealand has a lot of butter and sugar that we really can't see. That's why we cannot handle it!!

  4. It doesn't matter because you can't eat New Zealand food when I go back to Japan. It's good experience!

  5. I agree that visualization is important, so I wanna try it, too.

  6. It is important to take a rest sometimes.

  7. For me, it is not an excuse. it is just a fact. seriously. but we love oily food in New Zealand<3

  8. It's good for you to have days not to eat much.

  9. That's a plan, isn't it, monitoring what you eat. At the same time I don't think sweet foods need to be eliminated from your diet. Keep them as a special treat for eating out with friends. Then they can take on a celebratory role. David :-)

  10. I can understand your eating habits because New Zealand's food contains a lot of fat and it is yummy!! Making a list of food you ate is nice!! I wanna try this action too!!


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